Thursday 8 August 2013

Skin Needling, the wonder treatment!

Skin Needling is the treatment that is taking the skincare industry by storm! Everywhere you look it is being used to treat many concerns, from scarring on embarrassing bodies, to lines and wrinkles on anti-aging programs and most importantly available to you in skincare clinics.

This is definitely up there as one of the most popular skin treatments that we use in clinic and its the treatment of choice for most of our staff ;-) .

Why all the fuss?

Skin Needling stimulates natural collagen and cell renewal by increasing the production of growth factors (seeVampire Facelift). Growth factors work in response to trauma, the needles on the roller cause tiny puncture wounds in the skin.

 In a professional clinic treatment the size of the needles used are between 1mm and 3mm long, home rollers are usually 0.25mm long.

Professional clinic treatments

As the needles used are long enough to penetrate to the dermal layer of the skin a slight discomfort usually occurs during treatment. This discomfort is over come by using a topical anaesthetic around 40minutes prior to the treatment.

The end point in a professional treatment is pin point bleeding, it is the presence of blood that is responsible for the amazing results!

After the treatment your skin will appear very red, this can last for around 24hours.

As the results are a response to the wound healing process the skin will continue to improve for the following 40 days.

Skin needling successfully treats:
  • lines & wrinkles
  • thinning skin
  • dull sallow skin
  • acne scars
  • uneven skin tone
  • prevention of aging 
Although the results are amazing this treatment is not a quick fix. The treatment plan takes place over a 6 month period with one treatment at 4 weekly intervals. In order to enhance your results a skincare routine containing a RETINOL product will work wonders!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Thread Veins? Rosacea? ..... Treat with IPL

Do you suffer with red veins/broken capillaries?


Do you have a redness to your skin? Or possibly suffer from rosacea?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a simple yet effective treatment that can successfully treat these skin concerns amongst many others!

The treatment consists of emitting 'intense white light' delivered through a range of specific wave lengths to target specific concerns. The desired effect is commonly achieved through as little as 3 treatments.

Treating Thread Veins

Thread veins are extremely common as well is the misconception that they cannot be treated.

The vessels are targeted by the IPL, the blood within the vessel (or more specifically the haemoglobin) absorb the light energy. Once this light energy has been absorbs it stimulates thermal damage to the vessel, this damage forces coagulation and destroys the vessel. The damaged vessel is then reabsorbed into the body.

The breakdown of the vessel is different in each patient, some vessels disappear immediately post treatment, some take several weeks and some take several treatments.

The treatment is relatively quick but can be slightly uncomfortable, however the discomfort is only felt for a second in each area. This sneak peak shows a patient receiving the treatment.

Monday 5 August 2013

Mene & Moy

For a while now we have been looking to introduce a new medical grade skincare brand into our clinic, after months of tests and trials we have finally chosen Mene & Moy.

 A brand that focuses its interests into 2 steps, revitalising the skin in a morning and exfoliating it on an evening. The Brand bases itself around ingredients that have proven themselves within the skincare industry; Vitamin C and Glycolic Acid.

Along with homecare products including a 30% glycolic moisturiser the brand also provides an array of skin peels and resurfacers.

If you are looking to change you skincare routine or simply add in some active products then there will be a product for you within this range, whether you concern is acne, dehydration or the endless tale of aging it wont let you down!

Over the following weeks I will be blogging about the individual products and treatments with both steps by steps and before and after photos.