Tuesday 17 September 2013

YOUNGBLOOD Liquid Mineral Foundation

I've been searching for a mineral foundation that I can truly say I love, and I've got to admit its been a hard find. I've tried so many over the last year or so and although some were ok none were great. I found that lots of them contained talc and left the skin looking quite dull and dry, a typical trait of talc. I also found that the majority of them were in a powder form, powders commonly give a heavy coverage and I wanted that 'I've hardly got any make-up on' look.

I'd heard of Youngblood a while back when it was used by Cheryl Cole on the XFactor, for some reason I tried the blushers and eye shadows but never the foundation ( big mistake ). There is a large collection of loose and pressed foundations and too my joy 8 shades in a liquid form. As I have a pale skin tone but often wear fake tan I chose the shade 'pebble'. One pump from the 30ml bottle is all I need for a day look and I usually use a little more for an evening look, I have also found that I prefer to warm this product in my hand and apply with my fingers instead of with a foundations brush. The foundation itself is so light and easy to spread around the contours of the face, blends really well leaving no horrid 'foundation line'.

The deeps sea minerals and nutrients in this product really do seem to work, my clients are always commenting on the 'glow' my skin has. Please don't let £35 price tag put you off, it is so worth it and last longer than most other liquid foundations as you have to apply so much more of them.

Sunday 8 September 2013

ORLY Top 2 Bottom .... Love

So you've bought a polish because you love the colour, but maybe it's quality isn't that good? Fear not Orly Top 2 Bottom will transform you £1 nail varnish into a Perfect mani!

On holiday I couldn't resist a mint green nail polish, the only problem it was one €1. Great for my purse but not so for the longevity of my perfectly painted fingers. I wasn't too hopeful but as it matched my outfit I'd be happy if it saw me through the night, I applied Top 2 Bottom, 2 coats of colour and finished with a generous layer of the Orly polish. To my amazement the my self mani didn't chip for 5 days! I will definitely be incorporating this product into any nail painting that comes my way.

My boyfriend didn't appreciate my joy in something so trivial as nail polish, however I though you guys might!

Perfect polish storage!

Just a quick post, I've been looking for something nice to keep all my make/up & nail polishes etc in as they are currently covering every surface in bedroom! After searching I came across the lovely little website called Jadoreinteriors & found these carry case style boxes practical & will look great! Take a look!



Thursday 5 September 2013

Top Performing Skincare Ingredients


 we’ve all heard ofpeptides, they’re not just a word that they use on the adverts. Peptides arekey anti-aging ingredients that reduce fine lines and wrinkles, promotecollagen, reduce inflammation and brighten skin tone. Peptides are made of proteinswhich are the building blocks of skin. Peptide mobilizer from Dermaquest is agemanagement at its best with 60% peptides it’s botox in a bottle.


Powerful antioxidants generate healthy cell renewal and actsas a cellular bodyguard for our skin. Essential for all skin types they protectour skin from free radical damage that our skin encounters on a daily basis.


pure and active Vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the fewsubstances small enough to penetrate the outer layers of the skin to reach thelower layers where collagen and elastin reside.


 the latest generationof plant stem cells to reduce pigmentation, fine lines, and protect the skinfrom environmental damages

Medical Grade Skincare

Products can be categorised by the level that they penetrate to. Medical grade products are the only products that are able to penetrate past the surface layers of the epidermis down to the surface dermal layers of the skin. Within the dermal layer are the cells that produce collagen, elastin, hydration and melanin. These are the cells we want to stimulate when preventing the aging of skin.
Although many products have similar ingredients within them medical grade products contain a higher percentage of active ingredients, as a result of this products must be bought from a professional clinic after a consultation.

When purchasing your new medical grade skincare it is important that you look at the ingredients, the following post will outline the industries top performing technologies and ingredients.


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Tuesday 3 September 2013

Visia skin analysis ....... My Pictures!

VISIA analysis is the first step to achieving optimalskin renewal and the truly individualised care needed to achieve a radiantcomplexion.

VISIA produces images that capture the key visualinformation for the six areas affecting the appearance of your skin:
        Fine lines and wrinkles
        Sun damage (UV spots)
        Enlarged pores
        Skin texture
        Skin bacteria
        Damaged blood vessels



Also known as porhyrins, attackthe surface of the skin and contribute to break outs and acne. It is importantto remove the bacteria successfully without compromising the skin. A goodexample of this is the use of soap. Skin is acidic and soap is alkaline, thattight feeling that we get when we use soap is not beneficial it is strippingthe skin leaving it dry, dehydrated and dull whilst leaving behind thebacteria. A cleanser that uses plant enzymes which work like a packman on theskin removing any dirt debris or make-up are much more beneficial.



Enlarged pores give an aged appearance to the skin. Thetissue in the dermal layer becomes lax acting as a weight pulling down on thecells above giving the open appearance; it can also stretch the sebaceousglands which produce oil causing the surface of the skin to appear oily.treatmentss that strengthen and rebuild the skin will help to reduce pore size.


The texture of our skin is highly influenced by ourlifestyle. The products that we use, smoking, UV exposure and diet. If we wereto look at cell level the yellow would show the peaks in the skin and bluewould show the dips this combination gives the skin a rough uneven appearance.

UV Damage,

UV damage appears in many ways on the surface of the skin,it can show as brown spots also known as age spots, lines and wrinkles and itcan give the skin that thick leather look appearance. Melanin (brown spots) areproduced as a response to exposure to UV, and without protection they willcontinue to get darker and darker. It is important to wear a sunscreen everydaynot just when your on holiday, UV is all around us lights, computer screens,driving in the car.

Damaged Blood Vessels,

Damaged blood vessels that appear on the surface of the skinare also known as thread veins or spider veins. They are commonly associatedwith rosacea, but can occur as a result of damage to the skin, sun burn andbreak outs. Broken Vessels are very common and very easily treat with IPL aquick simple treatment that can successfully reduce rosacea and individualvessels

Fine lines and Wrinkles,

It happens to us all, fine lines and wrinkles are at the topof everybody’s list. They appear as a result of facial movement, thinning skinand environmental damage.
- Although I’m must admit I’m rather happy with this image!;-)