Tuesday 3 September 2013

Visia skin analysis ....... My Pictures!

VISIA analysis is the first step to achieving optimalskin renewal and the truly individualised care needed to achieve a radiantcomplexion.

VISIA produces images that capture the key visualinformation for the six areas affecting the appearance of your skin:
        Fine lines and wrinkles
        Sun damage (UV spots)
        Enlarged pores
        Skin texture
        Skin bacteria
        Damaged blood vessels



Also known as porhyrins, attackthe surface of the skin and contribute to break outs and acne. It is importantto remove the bacteria successfully without compromising the skin. A goodexample of this is the use of soap. Skin is acidic and soap is alkaline, thattight feeling that we get when we use soap is not beneficial it is strippingthe skin leaving it dry, dehydrated and dull whilst leaving behind thebacteria. A cleanser that uses plant enzymes which work like a packman on theskin removing any dirt debris or make-up are much more beneficial.



Enlarged pores give an aged appearance to the skin. Thetissue in the dermal layer becomes lax acting as a weight pulling down on thecells above giving the open appearance; it can also stretch the sebaceousglands which produce oil causing the surface of the skin to appear oily.treatmentss that strengthen and rebuild the skin will help to reduce pore size.


The texture of our skin is highly influenced by ourlifestyle. The products that we use, smoking, UV exposure and diet. If we wereto look at cell level the yellow would show the peaks in the skin and bluewould show the dips this combination gives the skin a rough uneven appearance.

UV Damage,

UV damage appears in many ways on the surface of the skin,it can show as brown spots also known as age spots, lines and wrinkles and itcan give the skin that thick leather look appearance. Melanin (brown spots) areproduced as a response to exposure to UV, and without protection they willcontinue to get darker and darker. It is important to wear a sunscreen everydaynot just when your on holiday, UV is all around us lights, computer screens,driving in the car.

Damaged Blood Vessels,

Damaged blood vessels that appear on the surface of the skinare also known as thread veins or spider veins. They are commonly associatedwith rosacea, but can occur as a result of damage to the skin, sun burn andbreak outs. Broken Vessels are very common and very easily treat with IPL aquick simple treatment that can successfully reduce rosacea and individualvessels

Fine lines and Wrinkles,

It happens to us all, fine lines and wrinkles are at the topof everybody’s list. They appear as a result of facial movement, thinning skinand environmental damage.
- Although I’m must admit I’m rather happy with this image!;-)

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