Saturday 6 July 2013

Are all SPFs the same ??

The answer ........ NO

Forget about factors for a minute and let's look at the ingredients.

On the market there are hundreds of different sun creams, invisible ones,non-sticky ones and ones that last all day, but which ones really protect you.Remember that time when you lathered yourself in sun cream and then woke uplike a burnt crisp? I bet if you read the small print on the bottle it saysapply 40 minutes to an hour before sun exposure, each time you applied thisproduct it was at least another 40 minutes before it protected you. Thereason... The Ingredients of course.

There are two main types of sun protection, physical and chemical lets lookat them in more detail.

Physical sun protection, the best.

Physical sun protections contain ingredients such as zinc and titanium, fromthe moment they are applied to your skin they protect you from harmful rays.They act like a mirror reflecting the rays off of the skin and preventing theskin from absorbing them resulting in no bright red skin from burning.

Chemical sun creams, avoid if possible.

These types of sun creams are unfortunately usually the most appealing, theyare mixed with moisturisers, invisible and easy to apply. They work withingredients such as organic chemical compounds and work by absorbing theharmful rays and give them back out as heat energy, they do not give youimmediate protection and must be applied much more regularly.

When it comes to wearing sun protection they should be part of your dailyroutine not just when your on holiday. Our skin is constantly under attack formharmful UV rays, driving in the car, sitting in the office window, staring atcomputer screens and even from bright lights.

UV is one of the skins biggest enemies, it is responsible for many of thefactors that age your skin, lines, wrinkles, brown spots ( pigment ), uneventone and texture. It's also preventable by wearing sun protection daily take alook at a few of my favourites .....

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