Tuesday 9 July 2013

Chemical Skin Resurfacers ... The future of facials?

The word chemical always makes treatments seem worse than what they are, when were talking about resurfacers the 'chemical' does not refer to the ingredient itself but to how it works. A chemical resurfacer is the opposite to mechanical resurfacers such as microdermabrasion, mechanical resurfacers consist of an abrasive tool or product to remove dead skin cells from the surface of our skin this can include facial exfoliating products that contain rough beads. They buff away dead skin cells and work in a similar way to sand paper.

Chemical resurfacers work by using acids, many of which are plant derivatives. When applied to the skin they break the chemical bonds between old cells working like a PAC man breaking down the surface layers, at the same time stimulating cell renewal.

Chemical resurfacers can feel quite irritating on the skin but this generally only lasts for around 5-10 minutes, the irritation is definitely worth it for the results. Not only do the acids used in these treatments exfoliate the skin they also treat skin concerns for example, salicylic acid cuts through oil cleaning out pores and reducing acne breakouts, lactic acid hydrates whilst lighting and brightening the skin, kojic acid reduces pigmentation.

There are many different acids used within resurfacers, this means that treatment courses can be tailored to suit your specific skin needs and more importantly get the results that you want!

Gone are days of fluffy facials chemical resurfacers will be at the top of everyone's list for a skin pick me up .

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