Saturday 6 July 2013

Environ Hydrating Oil Capsules

Ok so I'm going to be honest and say I was a little sceptical at first asusually 'capsules' are a little gimmicky and contain very little product,however environ proved me wrong. I was initially drawn to these capsules fortheir ingredients, anything with vitamin A excites me.

Im going to write a post on the most potent ingredients and how they workwhich will give you a better idea of what vitamin A does, but for the moment itstimulates cell renewal which in turn, sloughs off old dead skin cells, improvesthe tone and texture of skin, helps to regulate acne and can even reducepigment. All of these results leave your skin radiant and glowing.

There are many products on the high street which claim to contain vitamin A(also called retinol), although they have such a little amount that there isnot enough to penetrate the layers of the skin. Environ has a higher amount ofactive ingredient which means you really do get what you pay for.

Anyway back to the capsules, as well as the stimulation from the vitamin Athe capsules also hydrate the skin and help to fight free radicals that attackthe surface of the skin. When I opened my first capsule I was pleasantlysurprised at the amount of product inside, much more than inside some otherbrands. I had already cleansed my skin with a glycolic cleanser and applied thecapsule all over even having enough product to use on my neck.

The product was silky, light and easily absorbed into my skin iteven smelt lovely which is always a bonus. Then I went to bed.

The morning saw me wake to a lovely silky smooth skin and one happycustomer.  Environ provided a product that did what it said on the pot, ithydrated my skin giving it with a healthy glow, banishing dull dry patches.

I was so impressed we have actually started to use it in clinic after ourclients have had treatments such as Dermaroller or LED light therapy.

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