Saturday 6 July 2013

SPFs Tried and Tested

The UV rays around us are not to be underestimated, in order to keep ourskin looking and working great it is essential that we protect it from UV on adaily basis. I know that when you look out the window and see the dull rainysky that suncream is usually that last thing on your mind, but incorporate oneof these 3 sunscreens into your routine and protect your skin the way itdeserves.

Invisible Zinc - Face & Body sunscreen SPF 30, £18.50

As described in the previous post Zinc oxide is a physical sun protection,it is the ideal form of protection. This product is typical of zinc sunscreensin the sense that it is slightly thick in consistency and the trade mark'white' colour, however i have tried many worse sunscreens and once it has beenused sparingly onto the skin it absorbs well and does not leave a white film onthe surface of my skin. The slightly thick consistency would not put me ofpurchasing and at £18.50 (on cult its is mid band and overall iwould give it 4 out 5. remember sunscreens are there for one purpose to protectfrom UV and this is what this product does.

Heliocare SPF 50, £20

In the aesthetics we use this product a lot after treatments such aschemical peels and laser peels/resurfacers, you can also get it in prescriptionfrom a dermatologist if you require it. It has a light texture and is easy toapply, what I would say is don't expect anything else other than a sunprotection (a very good one at that), this product is solely here to protectyour skin from UV. This is the reason it is used in advanced skin care, thereare very little ingredients that could cause the skin to become irritated orcause breakouts, it is also fine to use on active breakouts.  It does notleave the white film that other products do and you only a small amount. Theprotection that this product gives is the reason that i'm going to give it a 4out of 5.

Dermaquest On the Go Finishing Powder SPF 30, £51

Genius product!! my absolute favourite, a light translucent powder which ismatifying, holds make-up and protects the skin from UV. A physical sunscreen itcontains both zinc and titanium oxide, simple dust over the face and your goodto go. The powder is see through so even if you have a full face of make-up youcan just dust over the top, not even needing a mirror. It comes in a handybrush applicator and has 3 settings depending on the level of cover. I was alittle sceptical at first as to whether this powder would actually protect myfair skin but even the mexican sun was no match for it. Unfortunately thisproduct is £51 which is pretty expensive and although it lasts a long time itis the initial out lay for the product which may put people off i also foundthat you over compensate for that fact that it is invisible and probably usetoo much of the product, (but we cant win we want a product that is invisibleon the skin and moan when we get one). Overall given the ingredients,protection and application i'm giving this product a 5 out of 5. Oh and itswater proof for up to an hour and a half!

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