Saturday 6 July 2013

Follow The Light

Over the past year we have introduced LED light therapy intoour clinic, and we now use it after almost every treatment. After testingseveral different machines we decided to purchase a machine from Dermalux, adecision that we are very pleased with.

So what is LED light therapy? All my clients ask me this ontheir first treatment and then the results speak for themselves....




LED light therapy is a non-thermal, non-invasive lightsystem that increases cell renewal, rejuvenates the skin, reducesinflammation, kills bacteria and prevents acne breakouts. And all you haveto do is lay under it!!

The narrow band light has the ability to penetrate the skinwhere it is then converted and used as energy, this energy is then used toaccelerate the cell renewal process increasing mitosis and resulting in morehealthy skin cells. This process is very similar to the photosynthesis thatoccurs in plants.

Although this is a light treatment it is not inthe damaging form of UV, therefor it will not cause any type of damage to theskin (or eyes) it will only have beneficial effects.

The LED light that we use comes in 2 colours red and blue,they can be used individually to target specific skin concerns or can be usedin combination to achieve the desired results.

Red LED light

· eczema& psoriasis

· healing

· soothing

· antiaging

· rejuvenation

· rednes

· reduceinflammation

Blue LED light

· antibacterial

· preventacne breakouts

· reducesactive acn

I would encourage everyone no matter what age, skin type orconcern to try LED light therapy. It may be a treatment that works for you onits own or you might combine it with others such as facials, microdermabrasion,peels, resurfacers, dermaroller or laser treatments. For information on clinicsnear you or more information on how it will help your skin just ask and I willbe hapy to help x

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