Saturday 6 July 2013

Cleansing : Why Bother??

You could be using the worlds most expensive, amazing products but if youhaven't cleansed first it's wasted on old dead skin cells, dirt and bacteria.Our skin has layers and layers of old dead skin that are constantly beingreplaced and forced to shed, this is what gives your skin that dull sallowappearance, cleansing will help to reduce this. Skin also has lots of bacteriaon its surface; these are also known as porphrins and contribute to oily acneprone skin.

As I said in my previous post face wipes and soap and not beneficial toclean your face with, in most cases they dry out the skin and cause more layersof old dried out skin cells and often leave behind the bacteria.

There are many different types of cleansers, some better than others, themost common forms are milk cleansers or washes (some washes are soap) a basicjudgement can be made on how the cleanser leaves yours skin feeling immediatelyafter use. If after use your skin feels tight and 'squeaky clean' then thiscleanser is more than likely to stringent for your skin, this can also happenwith alcohol toners. A cleanser should leave a silky film on the surface ofyour skin; it should not feel like your skin is screaming for a moisturiser.

When cleansing always remove the cleanser with a clean face cloth or dampcotton pads, this will ensure the skin is thoroughly cleaned. To get maximumresults 'double cleanse' the first cleanse is to remove surface dirt andmake-up and the second is a deep cleanse.

Now your ready to apply the next product in your routine.

Want more advise on what type of cleanser to use .... just ask, leave me acomment and ill get back to you

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